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Terms & Conditions

Date 1 January 2018 / Translated from the Dutch version.

Article 1 - Explanation of terms

Club: The Swimming Club Torpedo (ZV Torpedo) with full legal capacity and objectives.
Board: The board consists of the chairman, secretary, treasurer and general board members. The chairman, secretary and treasurer form the executive board. They are responsible for the current and urgent affairs of the club.
Board meeting: Meeting of the board of the club.
General Members Meeting: Meeting of the club in which binding decisions are taken that apply throughout the club (GMM).
Special membership meeting A members' meeting that is not a general members' meeting with the aim of requesting approval from the members of the club for a special situation.
Exercises: Training, instruction, swimming lessons or other primary department activities.


Article 2 - Members


With regard to participation in competitions, the regulations of the KNZB must be observed.


Every member must report a change of address or change of bank details in writing to the membership administration via


The club has executives. These have been appointed by the board to any position within the club. Executive members must be registered as members of the club and have the same rights and obligations as members. The contribution of executives is determined annually by the general (members) meeting.


Article 3 - Supporting members


Supporting members are those described in Article 7 of the Articles of Club. They are not allowed to participate in competitions and exercises. They may attend the exercises and competitions designated by the board as spectators.


The chairman can grant supporting members access to the general (members) meeting and permission to participate in the deliberations; however, they do not have voting rights.


Article 4 - Membership


Registration is done by completing and signing a registration form stating the date. The registration form is provided by the membership administration. The following information must be entered on the registration form: surname, first name (in full), address, date of birth, telephone number, e-mail address and the club(s) where the candidate member has been a member for the last 5 years. For minor members, the form must be co-signed by the legal representative. The board may ask a candidate member to substantiate the information provided in the form with sound evidence.


The costs for registering members are determined by the board. 


The membership administration ensures that those who want to become members of the club are also registered with the KNZB. 


If a candidate member has not fulfilled the obligations within a period set by the board, the candidate membership will lapse. If he/she used the services of the club during his/her candidate membership, he/she must fulfill these financial obligations. Registration fees will never be refunded.


Article 5 - Obligations of the members


Every member who participates in a competition as referred to in the KNZB regulations must have a valid KNZB starting permit.


Holders of a starting permit are obliged to submit to medical supervision and/or control if requested.


Every member is expected to know the provisions of the internal regulations and the articles of club.


The articles of club and internal regulations can be found on the ZV Torpedo website (


Every member adheres to the regulations of the sports facilities where they train or participate in competitions.


The board has the right to recover from this member the damage caused by a member and for which the club is held liable.


The board also has the right to recover from this member any fines imposed by the KNZB on the club as a result of the actions of a member. 


The board has the right to request a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG) from a member.


Article 6 - General Members Meetings (ALV)


The day, time and location of the ALV are determined by the board in accordance with article 17 of the articles of club.


In addition to what is stated in the articles of club, the ALV also discusses the reports from the past club year. Reports are drawn up by the secretary and treasurer, after which the board policy is approved or not.


Topics that have not been placed on the agenda in advance can still be added to the agenda during the ALV if the majority of the members present deem this necessary.


Written proposals signed by at least 10 members must be placed on the agenda provided they have been received at least 10 days before the ALV.


Amendments are put to the vote for the proposal in question. If there are multiple amendments for the same proposal, the amendment that the chairman believes is the most far-reaching will be considered first.


Article 7 - Election of board members


The application for a board position must be submitted in writing to the secretary. In an interview with the board or a delegation thereof, the candidate will be given the opportunity to explain the motivation in more detail.


Incumbent board members can stand for re-election by making an oral declaration of willingness during a board meeting or the ALV.


The members of the board are elected for a period of 3 years, in accordance with the provisions of the articles of club.


Anyone who is appointed to an interim vacancy will take the place of his predecessor on the roster. The position will be filled temporarily during the period until the ALV.


If an elected candidate does not accept his appointment, a second vote will take place among the other candidates.


Article 8 - The board




a.    The chairman is the official spokesperson of the club and is responsible for overall management. He is responsible for compliance with the articles of club, the internal regulations and all other regulations and other provisions.


b.    The chairman, and in his absence his deputy, chairs the meetings. He determines the agenda in consultation with the meeting.


c.    The chairman has the right to end the deliberations if the meeting has provided sufficient information. However, the deliberations will start again if one third of the number of voters present so wishes.


d.    The foregoing applies to board meetings, general meetings and the general meeting of members.


e.    Points a to d also apply to the deputy chairman.




a.    The secretary conducts correspondence and takes minutes of each meeting. He also manages the (digital) archive and membership administration. These activities can be delegated by the board to others.


b.    The secretary presents the annual report at the general (member) meeting.


c.    The foregoing applies to board meetings, general meetings and the general meeting of members




a.    The treasurer is responsible for all financial matters. He reports to the board at least once a quarter and is accountable in the board meeting.


b.    At the request of the board, the treasurer must also be accountable on other occasions.


c.    He is authorized to incur expenses resulting from the application of the regulations or from the implementation of the decisions of the board meetings or general (member) meetings..


d.    To make expenditure, the treasurer must have a written power of attorney from the board members who are allowed to represent the club under the articles of club.


e.    ​ 234 / 5,000 Translation results Translation result The treasurer draws up an annual report that contains the general financial accountability of the policy pursued for the year in question. He also presents the budget for the coming year at the general membership meeting.


f.     In the event of premature resignation, the treasurer is accountable to the board, i.e. the chairman, the secretary and the audit committee..


g.    The foregoing applies to board meetings, general meetings and the general meeting of members.


General board membersThese officials perform supporting work for the benefit of the club and the relief of the above-mentioned officials. They can also take on a separate task, such as external communication, etc.


Executive board

The executive board can make decisions in urgent matters, where necessary in consultation with the chairman(s) of the department(s). Where appropriate, legal acts can be entered into in the aforementioned matters by representatives of the board, without the involvement of the chairman, secretary and treasurer, on the basis of a private power of attorney drawn up by the executive board. 


Resignation schedule
Every year, one third of the board members of the association's board resign. The chairman, secretary and treasurer can never resign at the same time.


Rights of board members.


a.    The chairman has the right at any time to inspect club documents that are in the possession or management of board members or representatives of the department.


b.    The board members have access to all meetings held within the club and can participate in the discussions.


Board vacancies


a.    In the event of interim vacancies in the executive board, the board will officially fill this during the next board meeting by electing one of the board members.


b.    After the official appointment of a board member, he or she is registered with the Chamber of Commerce. From that moment on he formally works as a board member.


c.    Termination of a board position must be reported in writing to the chairman or secretary.


d.    If the board resigns as a whole, it must continue to fulfill its duties until the special members' meeting. Replacement board members must be appointed at a special members meeting organized in the meantime.




a.    At the request of the chairman or the majority present at the meeting, matters can also be voted on in writing.


b.    Votes by acclamation are only valid if no counter-proposals have been submitted or no opposing candidates have been nominated and if no one objects.


Article 9 - The committees


Audit Committee: the tasks and composition of the Audit Committee are laid down in Article 16 of the Articles of club.


Communications committee: the communications committee is responsible for all activities that must be carried out in the field of communications, including (technical) maintenance of the website.


Activities committee: the activities committee is responsible for coordinating the general social club activities initiated by the board.


Article 10 – Rules of conduct


The rules of conduct of ZV Torpedo apply to all members, executives (hereinafter referred to as 'members'), volunteers of the club and anyone involved in the club during all activities organized by the club or activities attended by the club. These rules of conduct have been adopted from the 'rules of conduct for supervisors in sports' of NOC*NSF


Members and volunteers provide an environment and an atmosphere in which the athlete can feel safe


Members and volunteers refrain from treating the athlete in a manner that affects the athlete's dignity, and from intruding further into the athlete's private life than is necessary in the context of sports practice.


The members and volunteers refrain from any form of abuse of power or sexual intimidation towards the athlete.


Sexual acts and sexual relationships between volunteers and young athletes up to the age of sixteen are not permitted under any circumstances and are considered sexual abuse.


Members and volunteers may not touch the athlete in such a way that the athlete and/or volunteer will reasonably expect this touch to be sexual or erotic in nature, as will usually be the case with the intentional touching of genitals, buttocks and breasts.


Members and volunteers refrain from (verbal) sexual intimacies through any means of communication.


During trainings, competitions and travel, members and volunteers will treat the athlete, belongings of athletes and volunteers and the space in which the athlete is located, such as the locker room, hotel room or dormitory, with reserve and respect. Making images or sound recordings in these areas is not permitted.


The members and volunteers have the duty - to the extent within their power - to protect the athlete against damage and (power) abuse as a result of sexual harassment. Where it is known or arranged who represents the interests of the (young) athlete, members and volunteers are obliged to cooperate with these persons or bodies so that they can perform their work properly.


The members and volunteers will not provide members with (in)material compensation with the apparent intention of requesting compensation in return. The members and volunteers also do not accept financial rewards or gifts from the athlete that are disproportionate to the usual or agreed remuneration.


Members and volunteers treat each other with respect, accepting that everyone is different.


Members and volunteers will actively ensure that these rules are observed by everyone involved with the athlete. If they identify behavior that is not in accordance with these rules of conduct, they will take the necessary action(s).


The following additional rules of conduct apply when using Social Media:


13.1   Social Media will primarily be used to share knowledge and other important information about the sport or the club


13.2   Privacy-sensitive information may not be published. An exception to this are the results of competitions, which are published by the KNZB and bodies affiliated with KNZB.


13.3   Discussions between (executive) members and parents should be avoided


13.4   Board and executives are representatives of the club and must behave accordingly. If in doubt, do not publish


13.5   Permission is required to post images on Social Media that are publicly accessible


In those cases where the rules of conduct do not (directly) provide, it is the responsibility of the members and volunteers to act in the spirit thereof.


Article 11 - Entry into force

These amended regulations come into effect immediately after adoption at the general members meeting of February 17, 2018


Article 12 - Final Provisions


Changes to these internal regulations can be made at the general meeting of members with an absolute majority of the number of valid votes


A proposal for amendment must be made available for inspection by the members at a suitable location at least fourteen days prior to the AGM.


The internal regulations may not contain provisions that conflict with the statutes and regulations of the KNZB as long as the club is a member of this organization.


Thus established in the general members meeting of February 17, 2018,

Secretary Chairman
Pascal Veltman Martijn Broersma

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