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Would you like to know what it's like at a real competition, or are you curious about your progress and how quickly you can swim certain distances? For this purpose, ZV Torpedo regularly organizes a "swimming certificate" moment for members of ZV Torpedo, with the help of many parents/volunteers.

This event takes place in our own swimming pool De Lieberg, and parents, grandparents, friends, and girlfriends are warmly invited to come and watch. It replaces the Saturday morning training and usually starts a little earlier than the normal training.


How does it work

In total, there are 6 certificates to achieve. For each certificate, you swim a distance (25, 50, or 100 m) of each of the 4 strokes, and if you swim within the specified time, you achieve the certificate (see overview below). Once you have achieved your certificate, you swim for the next certificate next time. If you have never participated in certificate swimming before, sign up for certificate 1 (this means swimming 25 meters of each stroke, with only the time for the 25m breaststroke counting).

For the remaining certificates (2 through 6), all 4 distances must be swum, with at least 3 distances meeting the time limit.

Brevet Te zwemmen Tijdslimieten
Brevet 1 25m borstcrawl Max 30 sec
25m rugslag
25m schoolslag
25m vlinderslag (niet verplicht)
Brevet 2 25m borstcrawl Max 23 sec
25m rugslag Max 27 sec
25m schoolslag Max 27 sec
25m vlinderslag Max 30 sec
Brevet 3 50m borstcrawl Max 43 sec
50m rugslag Max 51 sec
50m schoolslag Max 54 sec
25m vlinderslag Max 27 sec
Brevet 4 50m borstcrawl Jongens: 37 sec
Meisjes: 40 sec
50m rugslag Jongens: 45 sec
Meisjes: 48 sec
50m schoolslag Jongens: 47 sec
Meisjes: 50 sec
50m vlinderslag Jongens: 51 sec
Meisjes: 54 sec
Brevet 5 100m borstcrawl Jongens: 1:20 m
Meisjes: 1:22 m
100m rugslag Jongens: 1:36 m
Meisjes: 1:38 m
100m schoolslag Jongens: 1:38 m
Meisjes: 1:40 m
50m vlinderslag Jongens: 51 sec
Meisjes: 54 sec
Brevet 6 100m borstcrawl Jongens: 1:16 m
Meisjes: 1:18 m
100m rugslag Jongens: 1:32 m
Meisjes: 1:34 m
100m schoolslag Jongens: 1:34 m
Meisjes: 1:36 m
100m vlinderslag Jongens: 1:37 m
Meisjes: 1:39 m

Suitable for everyone, at every level

ZV Torpedo

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