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Thank you and goodbye, Bert Meier

On Saturday, June 22, 2024, ZV Torpedo bid farewell to one of our most dedicated volunteers, Bert Meier. After 12 years of tireless dedication, during which he served as both coach and chairman, Bert conducted his final training session.

Head coach Peter Maas organized a special and unforgettable training session for this occasion, making it a memorable Saturday morning.
Over the past 12 years, Bert Meier has played a significant role in our club. As both coach and chairman, he has always been there to guide our swimmers and help the club grow. It was only fitting that his last training session was centered around fun and appreciation. Peter Maas crafted a unique session that honored Bert in a wet and joyful manner.
The morning began with a spectacular start: all the swimmers jumped into the water with a cannonball dive, aiming to get Bert, who was seated in a beautifully decorated chair at the poolside, as wet as possible. The atmosphere was immediately jubilant, with laughing faces and splashing water setting a festive tone.

Following this splashy opening, various activities ensued where swimmers, both individually and in teams, did their best to get Bert even wetter. From the youngest to the oldest swimmers, everyone participated. Even the children from the small pool had their turn. The entire morning, the pool was filled with a fantastic atmosphere, full of energy and fun. Bert visibly enjoyed the cheerful chaos and the gratitude of all the swimmers.
The morning showcased the camaraderie and enthusiasm of our swimming club. Everyone had a great time, and Bert beamed from ear to ear. This farewell was a beautiful tribute to someone who has meant so much to the club.

We will remember Bert's last training session as a day full of joy and appreciation. He has left an indelible mark, and his legacy will live on in the hearts of all the swimmers. Bert, thank you for everything you have done for us. We will miss you and wish you all the best for the future!

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