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June 29th 2024


On Saturday, June 29, 2024, all members can swim for a new Certificate. It will take place in the competition pool of De Lieberg swimming pool. There will be no regular training that morning for those not participating.

New this year is Certificate 7, for all swimmers who have already achieved all 6 certificates and want to show they have improved even more. Expect to swim even faster and further than for Certificate 6. Details on the exact distances and times will follow.

The exact times will depend on the number of participants, so we will inform you the week before. However, you can expect the following schedule:

Warm-up:     07:00 Start of certificate event:     07:15 End time:             09:00

Have you never swum for a certificate before? No problem, read on for more explanation.

We would like to know in advance who will participate. Therefore, we ask you to register by June 22 using the following form:

Since it resembles a practice competition, we will try to make it as realistic as possible. This means that the swimming will be timed, the actual start procedure will be followed, and everything will be announced. This is also an opportunity for interested parents and others to experience what it's like to, for example, time or announce.

We are still looking for volunteers who can help! You can also sign up via the form.

About the author


Suitable for everyone, at every level

ZV Torpedo

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